Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Case Study Analysis 3


Thomas said...

I relaize that you did not give you much feedback during your jury at the intensive. However, you have some very good images here that reflect the path toward a modularity whihc is both usable and well designed. I especially like your example here with water. The Bridge as a structural element or link is important and manifestations into the concept of your thesis I feel will enhance your overall theme.


Carli Sekella said...

Reposting Denise's comments, so they are all in one place:

Hi Carli! I was really worried when I hadn't heard from you , but after looking at your case study I guess I did not really have to worry. The diagrams that you did seem to useful in working out relationship between elements and getting ideas about programs interacting with other programs, community spaces inbetween. I would be interested to know a little bit more about the variey of scales in the buffer areas between housing. The private semi-private diagram starts to get at it a little....but if you were to redraw it and overlay color to express something about community, individual and connections between? Did you see pg 30 and 31 of the West 8 book by Skira....& all the different types of materials and configurations, all in relationship to opening? Pretty neat!

I'm looking foward to seeing the Hunstanton School.