Saturday, January 5, 2008

Thesis Beginnings

Planned obsolescence is the idea that things are designed to fail after their life cycle has completed. Instead of these things being adaptable, there is not further use or life for them, and you must either purchase the same item again or, in buildings, demolish them and start over. This idea applies to tract housing today, because as they are built quickly with cheap materials, they have a very short life cycle. I think this could apply to my thesis in that the prefab educational or institutional structures could be altered as their life changes.

In terms of hierarchy, the most important to me is to create something ADAPTABLE using PRE-FAB pieces. I think designing the pieces could be beneficial, however I do like the idea of creating an educational or institutional structure from pre-existing pieces. The second item of importance would probably be to reduce sprawl through this method of construction. Thirdly, to allow the project design to be driven by the user experience. And finally, if successful, what implications can it have on architecture as we know it today? Can "The Long Tail" play into commercial architecture?


Denise Dea said...

Hi Carli. Can you get some of the basic info related to your thesis work on your blog so that new people looking at the blog have a clearer idea of what you are doing. One liners: Program, Site. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I see you are pursueing some of the issues that you started during the first term?