Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Flexible Office Space

The small offices are around 200sf each and have slots of windows in the elevation to provide glimpses of activity inside, but are not large enough to void the privacy of the interior.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Site Planning

This is much more to scale than the previous images. Each of the small program pieces are the flexible office space, the larger pieces are conference and group meeting flex space, and the large piece is the interactive gallery. Parking is along the road as it is existing, but slightly modified. The users can parallel park in front of their respective offices on a daily basis. Each program piece is placed in tension with the neighboring buildings to create a pathway to a between. The progression is important but I don't think it is as clear as I need it to be.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Site Planning Prelim



I like the second iteration better. The idea that the museum/educational/more public component is sort of a filter for those accessing the site from COSI and also can act as a billboard in both directions, yet will seem more diminutive from downtown and across the river. All public must enter the building whether to travel through it or within it. The bike path is maintained as a integral part of the site, or maybe it can be slightly rerouted through the site. Parking is an issue that needs to be looked at further.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Next Steps

I would like to make the building be less office park-y. It does read as a destination of some major employer and that is not the case, so I will work on the siting. The other issue to look at is program; the requirements for a 40-person staff is pretty small, so I think opening the building to a defined yet loose use from other groups will be key. I will look more at the way SubText currently runs to be able to further define the strategy of the building.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

DD Review and Comments


.What are the qualities of prefab which the building could utilize?

.The program may be too large for the user. Can the building also hold rentable meeting space or space for other users?

.The siting is awkward. Its location makes it seem like a destination or a major player in the Columbus market. Is it intended to be the Google of Columbus? Its location is also a little office park-y.

.The ultimate adaptable building for the use may be an open box with a grid structure that users can just show up and plug in. The ideas of adaptability and change need to be married with the ideas of a very specific user group and use.

.What is the relationship between the adjacent Center of Science and Industry and the building?

.What kind of exhibits would be shown in the public spaces?

.Maybe the thesis idea is too large, and could be better tested in the smaller scale, such as a work unit or the relationship of a few work units together.

.Make very clear the distinction between PREFAB and MODULAR; they are not interchangeable. Something which is highly customized could (would) be prefabricated.

SD Review and Comments


.Is a building necessary? Is the best solution a building?

.Technology is both good and bad. The world would be different if there were 10 Googles as opposed to 1 Google as there is now.

.Look at Natalie Jeremijenko, who's art is about change and adaptation.

.Look at Anna Dyson's work.